Deva 3 in 1 Special


Deva 3 in 1 Special aids  in tightening up the vagina, enable it to get wet and provide pleasure at the same time!



When it comes to the vagina, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions. Some people, for example, believe that vaginas can lose their elasticity and become loose forever. That’s not actually true, though. Your vagina is elastic. This means it can stretch to accommodate things coming in (think: a penis or sex toy) or going out (think: a baby). But it won’t take long for your vagina to snap back to its previous shape. Your vagina may become slightly looser as you age or have children, but overall, the muscles expand and retract just like an accordion or a rubber band.

It’s important to know that a “tight” vagina may be a sign of an underlying concern, especially if you’re experiencing discomfort during penetration.

With the Deva Petal Special, you are sure to get rid of these concerns as the product aids in tightening up the vagina, enable it to get wet and provide pleasure at the same time! Sometimes, a person may feel that their vagina is drier than usual or uncomfortably tight. These symptoms can occur for a number of reasons. Common causes include hormonal changes and imbalances in the amount of good and bad bacteria in the vagina. Our special mix helps to repel such bacteria’s and improve on the imbalances.

Description of Usage.

Take 3 tablespoon full 30mins before intercourse, if result is slow and or not achieved, increase dosage by 2 extra tablespoons full and try using same with timing changed.


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